Minggu, 12 Oktober 2014

PDF⋙ How Do Canals Work? (Stem Waterworks) by Christine Honders

How Do Canals Work? (Stem Waterworks) by Christine Honders

How Do Canals Work? (Stem Waterworks)

How Do Canals Work? (Stem Waterworks) by Christine Honders PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Civilizations have long used canals to move water, ships, cargo, and people from one location to another. The first canals were often trenches dug to bring water to crops. Some were dug to connect rivers or other bodies of water. Over the centuries, the techniques, technology, resources, and science used to construct canals has changed greatly. Today, canals all over the world help keep business booming and people moving. Readers will learn how engineers and scientists use STEM skills to bring canal systems to life, and how they make our lives easier. Diagrams, photographs, and primary sources help link this volume to both science and social studies curricula.

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