Kamis, 26 Februari 2015

PDF⋙ Playing to Win: Jerry Jones and the Dallas Cowboys by David Magee

Playing to Win: Jerry Jones and the Dallas Cowboys by David Magee

Playing to Win: Jerry Jones and the Dallas Cowboys

Playing to Win: Jerry Jones and the Dallas Cowboys by David Magee PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Parlaying unrestricted access into a compelling behind-the-scenes narrative, author David Magee reveals football vignettes and insightful management morsels from arguably the most colorful and influential owner in all of professional sports. Playing to Win is the true story of how an Arkansas oilman named Jerry Jones was able to turn the Dallas Cowboys franchise around and become arguably the most influential owner in all of professional sports winning three Super Bowls, landing record-setting television contracts, and overseeing every detail of a brand-new $1.2 billion stadium along the way. From revolutionizing the NFL's business model to helping transform the league into the nation's most popular sport, Jones is a sports icon, and this book showcases and brings clarity to the scope of his impact.

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Playing to Win: Jerry Jones and the Dallas Cowboys by David Magee EPub

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