Jumat, 20 Maret 2015

PDF⋙ The Cowboy Hat Book by William Reynolds, Ritch Rand

The Cowboy Hat Book by William Reynolds, Ritch Rand

The Cowboy Hat Book

The Cowboy Hat Book by William Reynolds, Ritch Rand PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Revised to include presidential hats, new celebrity hats, and a fully updated resource listing of custom hatters.

The Cowboy Hat Book features an impressive array of cowboy hats, showcasing the wide variety of styles, colors, and fabrics used to create the cowboy hat, now a symbol of America and western culture that is recognized all over the world. Beginning with a brief history of the cowboy hat, the authors go on to explain the building of the perfect hat, its care and feeding, hat etiquette, hat hair, and more. Beautiful photos of real cowboys and movie cowboys sporting their trademark hats illustrate how creases, brims, shapes, and trims are unique to the individual who wears each hat. The Cowboy Hat Book celebrates the history and importance of this unique piece of clothing that hasn't fundamentally changed in more than 100 years.

Ritch Rand's family has been making handcrafted hats for over twenty years. His hats have rested on dozen's of famous heads-from presidents to kings and heads of state to movie stars. He lives in Billings, Montana.

William Reynolds is president and CEO of the marketing, PR, and advertising agency Banning Company, Inc. The company has a special division that services the western and equine industries. He lives in Malibu, California.

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