Rabu, 30 Desember 2015

PDF⋙ Test Anxiety: Strategies to Improve Student Performance by Joseph Casbarro

Test Anxiety: Strategies to Improve Student Performance by Joseph Casbarro

Test Anxiety: Strategies to Improve Student Performance

Test Anxiety: Strategies to Improve Student Performance by Joseph Casbarro PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Testing is playing an increasing role in schools, giving rise to higher levels of anxiety for both students and teachers. As a result, many students are actually experiencing performance declines rather than improvements. This reference guide is specifically designed to provide teachers with practical, evidence-based strategies for reducing test-related anxiety and improving test performance and overall well-being in students ranging from elementary to high school age. The guide includes recommendations for teaching effective study skills & habits, as well as specific test-taking skills. It also describes how to teach students stress-reduction techniques such as deep breathing, freewriting, progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery, mindfulness and meditation, and positive self-talk.

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Test Anxiety: Strategies to Improve Student Performance by Joseph Casbarro EPub

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