Senin, 25 Januari 2016

PDF⋙ Communication Scenarios for the MRCPCH and DCH Clinical Exams (MasterPass) by Rebecca Casans, Mithilesh Lal

Communication Scenarios for the MRCPCH and DCH Clinical Exams (MasterPass) by Rebecca Casans, Mithilesh Lal

Communication Scenarios for the MRCPCH and DCH Clinical Exams (MasterPass)

Communication Scenarios for the MRCPCH and DCH Clinical Exams (MasterPass) by Rebecca Casans, Mithilesh Lal PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The MRCPCH clinical examination assesses whether candidates have reached the standard in clinical skills expected of a newly appointed specialist registrar, while the DCH recognises the competence of GPs and other health professionals in caring for children. Success in communication skills is vital to achieve overall success in these examinations. This revised and expanded Second Edition includes over a dozen new scenarios for both examinations, a new chapter on the general approach to effective communication, an expanded clinical exam mark sheet, anchor statements and exam circuit diagrams. Although written to aid candidates for the clinical MRCPCH and DCH examinations, this book will also be useful to paediatric trainees in their day-to-day clinical encounters. 'The fact that the second edition of this book is due out within two years of its original publication in itself speaks of the popularity of this book and highlights the importance of the subject. The new edition will continue to play a major role in improving the skills and understanding of effective communication skills.' - from the Foreword by Sunil K Sinha

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Communication Scenarios for the MRCPCH and DCH Clinical Exams (MasterPass) by Rebecca Casans, Mithilesh Lal EPub

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