Jumat, 12 Februari 2016

PDF⋙ Diabetes:The Silent Killer How I Survived by EK Ray

Diabetes:The Silent Killer How I Survived by EK Ray

Diabetes:The Silent Killer How I Survived

Diabetes:The Silent Killer How I Survived by EK Ray PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Eric "EK" Ray was dangerously ill with diabetes - and he didn't know it. After suddenly feeling weak and light-headed, he finally went for tests, which confirmed he had type 2 diabetes. With a family history of diabetes, Eric knew he had to start paying attention to his health and cut back on the fast foods he was consuming during hectic workdays. Now 150 pounds lighter, he's a healthy fitness enthusiast. Eric is starting the Ray Foundation and traveling the country speaking to communities to bring awareness to the resources available to prevent and fight Diabetes.

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