Dark History of the American Presidents: Power, Corruption and Scandal at the Heart of the White House (Dark Histories) by Michael Kerrigan
Dark History of the American Presidents: Power, Corruption and Scandal at the Heart of the White House (Dark Histories) by Michael Kerrigan PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Detailing the disgraces of all 44 Presidents, from sexual skirmishes to CIA cover-ups, Dark History of the American Presidents covers every dirty deed committed behind the White House fence, from financial profiteering and insider trading to illicit bugging of the opposition. The book also tells the story of a nation’s advancement: from post Revolutionary days of anti-monarchy and slavery, through the bitter strife of internal wars, reconstruction, boom and the Depression, to the United States' emergence onto the world stage as a superpower. Using reproductions of portraits in oil, period caricature and cartoons, as well as telling photojournalism, this book reveals the true face behind the most powerful job in the world.From reader reviews:
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