Kamis, 25 Desember 2014

PDF⋙ Without a Net: Middle Class and Homeless (with Kids) in America by Michelle Kennedy

Without a Net: Middle Class and Homeless (with Kids) in America by Michelle Kennedy

Without a Net: Middle Class and Homeless (with Kids) in America

Without a Net: Middle Class and Homeless (with Kids) in America by Michelle Kennedy PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Michelle Kennedy had a typical middle class American childhood in Vermont. She attended college, interned in the U.S. Senate, married her high school sweetheart and settled in the suburbs of D.C. But the comfortable life she was building quickly fell apart. At age twenty-four Michelle was suddenly single, homeless, and living out of a car with her three small children. She waitressed night shifts while her kids slept out in the diner's parking lot. She saved her tips in the glove compartment, and set aside a few quarters every week for truck stop showers for her and the kids.

With startling humor and honesty, Kennedy describes the frustration of never having enough money for a security deposit on an apartment—but having too much to qualify for public assistance. Without A Net is a story of hope. Michelle Kennedy survives on her wits, a little luck, and a lot of courage. And in the end, she triumphs.

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Without a Net: Middle Class and Homeless (with Kids) in America by Michelle Kennedy EPub

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